Sunday, December 26, 2010

クリスマス&イブ / Christmas and Christmas Eve

今年のクリスマス&クリスマスイブは、お友達と一緒にお祝いしました。EVEはチーズフォンデュそして、クリスマスは、クリームパスタ、ルッコラサラダ&唐揚げを作りました。2日ともとってもおいしかったです♪ サラは、まだクリスマスがしっかりわかってはいないけど、ぴかぴか光るクリスマスツリーを見て楽しそうでした。サンタさんからクリスマスにはプレゼントをもらって喜んでいました。特にこのDJセット、マイク、録音機能もついてて、本物のDJセットのような優れもので、サラはこれで毎日喜んで遊んでいます。 Daddyはお正月までお休みだからサラにはそれが一番うれしいプレゼントかもしれないです。 楽しいクリスマス&イブを過ごすことができました! We spent Christmas & Christmas Eve with friends this year.We made Cheese fondue on Christmas Eve and made arugula,Fettuccine Alfredo,Garlic bread & Fried Chicken on Christmas. Both are very good! Sarah doesn't know much about Christmas yet but She likes to see pretty Christmas tree and having a good time.She got Christmas presents from Santa Claus and she was happy! Especially this DJ set. This DJ set can record and use microphone. It looks like real DJ Yes "DJ Sarah!" Daddy will have holiday break so this might be the best gift for her! We are having good Christmas holiday!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

水族館 / Aquarium

今日は、シアトル水族館に行ってきました。普段は混んでいるみたいだけど、今日はみんなクリスマスショッピングで忙しいのか案外すいていました。ラッキー!サラはお魚、鳥、オットセイを見て、あっちいったり、こっちいったり楽しそうにしていました。サンタクロースダイバーもいましたよ~! We went to Seattle aquarium today. I heard it is usually very crowded but it was not too crowded because people are busy for christmas shopping!? We were lucky! Sarah watched some fish, birds, otters etc she seemed to have a good time! We saw a Santa diver too! We had a good time!

Friday, November 26, 2010

感謝祭 / Thanksgiving

昨日は、Thanksgiving だったので、おうちでThanksgivingのディナーを作って食べました。普通はターキーを食べるのですが、うちはチキンにしました、2年くらい作ってみたけど、ちょっと大変なので、今年は出来合いのものを調達です。グリーンビーンキャサロール(インゲンとクリームスープと乾燥たまねぎを混ぜてオーブンで作りました)、クランベリーソース(クランベリーを煮て砂糖と混ぜたもの)、後はマッシュドポテト(ポテトにバター、生クリームなど混ぜて作ります)なかなかの味で、量もちょうどいいくらい、サラもたくさん食べてくれてよかったです。家族みんな健康で幸せに過ごせ感謝したいと思います。 We had Thanksgiving at home yesterday. We made green bean casserole,cranberry sauce,mashed potatos. (we bought chicken this year..) Sarah likes all food especially cranberry sauce :) We made green bean casserole for the first time this year.It was real good!We had a great day and are very thankful that we are all healthy and happy!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

シアトルは雪です! / Snow in Seattle

日本から帰国しもうすぐ1週間、とーっても寒いとは思っていたけど、シアトルに初雪が降りました。時差ぼけのなおってないサラは、土曜の朝降った雪は見逃したけど、今日はたくさーん積もって雪遊びをしました。最初は、すごーく不思議そうな顔をしていたけど、その後はごらんの通り、とっても楽しそうでしたよ~! It has been almost 1 week since Sarah and Mommy come back from Japan trip. We felt so cold and now we got some! Sarah has bad jet lag so she missed Sat. morning snow but she enjoyed snow today! She was curious at first but she enjoyed playing with snow very much!

Monday, November 1, 2010


we went to Zoo last Sunday!Sarah has been to zoo once in Seattle but she didn't see much animals at that time because it was with other kids and played outside most of time so it was Sarah's first Zoo!She loves animals very much and had a great time. After zoo, There were Maya's Dance performance at Zoo flower garden so we all went to see her dance. She did real good job! Sarah was dancing with them and seems she was into it too :) Rui had to go basketball game so she couldn't come to zoo but we all went to Chinese reataurant together! It was Yummy! We had a good time but we miss Daddy so much as always!!! We wish daddy was with us...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Park / shopping

We went to farmer's market and park the other day. She loved the park and she enjoyed it so much! We went to farmer's market after that. There are so many different kinds of stuff and so much fun to see it too. We bought some foods for taking back to make good dinner. Please wait for it Daddy!!
We also went to shopping mall after had a nice Sushi at restaurant the next day. It was delicious! She was running around at the mall and looking around and touching stuff! We had a good time!/div>

Sunday, October 17, 2010

First weekend

Mommy's sister family came and visit us on the weekend!! Nagao kun (in law) couldn't make it this time because of work but next time soon. They brought some toys Sarah loved it so much as you can see from the pictures! Sarah is a little toys for mommy's nices and nephews :) They love Sarah so much!! We had a nice Temakizushi (Sushi) as our traditional dinner! We had a great time! We wish Daddy is with us. We miss you Daddy!!!