Wednesday, April 28, 2010

日本へ(後半) / To Japan (Last half)

Time goes so fast. We had a great time seeing our family, friends and had a good foods and 1 month passed so fast. we are so lucky that everybody welcomed us so nicely even though we haven't seen them 3 years. We are looking forward to seeing them again sometime soon.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

日本へ(前半) / To Japan (First half)

現在日本へ帰省中です (3/20-4/21) 1カ月の滞在ですが、あっという間に半分過ぎてしまいました。最初は人見知りだったサラも家族にも慣れてきて、そして時差ぼけももうなくなったようで元気にしています。Mommyは、久々に家族に会ってそしておいしいご飯を毎日食べ、たくさんの友達に会い、あったかぁーいお風呂に入り毎日楽しく過ごしています。Daddyがいればもっといいのに、最初の10日間で仕事の為もうシアトルに帰ってしまいました。
We are currently in Nagoya ,Japan for vacation. It is a month vacation but first half has already passed. Time goes so fast.
Sarah is doing good. She got used to my family, Japan and got over get lag and having good time. Daddy came first 10 days but he is already home and waiting for us to come back. We wish he could be here with us.
*We forgot to take camera with us a couple times.....