Sunday, February 28, 2010

花見 / Cherry Blossom Party

今日は、ワシントン大学へDaddyのお友達の家族とお花見に行ってきました。お花はまだ7部咲きだったけど、とってもきれいだった。桜の下でお弁当を食べておいしかったー!!サラのミドルネームは”さくら”だもん、初めてのお花見楽しかった!We went to UW (University of Washington) for Cherry Blossam Party with Daddy's friend's family. About 70 % of the cherry blossoms had bloomed but it was so pretty! We had a nice picnic lunch under the cherry blossom tree. The first cherry blossom party as Sarah's middle name is "SAKURA" (cherry blossom) was fun!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a good time and so pretty!
    Birthday pictures are great too! Tell Sarah we love her... ms and papa ya'll too
